Heritage Council
Who We Are
The Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council (LBCHC) FL Inc., a non-profit organization, was founded as the Louise Bennett-Coverley Reading Festival in February 2007. In 2015, the organization was incorporated under its current name, with a mission to educate and entertain through culturally rich programs.
The Council promotes Jamaica's rich diverse cultural heritage worldwide through "edutainment" via the works and legacy of internationally acclaimed folklorist, and Jamaican cultural icon, the Honourable Louise Bennett-Coverley OM, OJ, MBE.
Annual events hosted by the LBCHC include the Reading Festival, the Louise Bennett-Coverley Memorial Lecture and a signature fundraiser to celebrate Miss Lou’s birthday in September. Proceeds from fundraisers are used to provide scholarships for youth pursuing performing arts education.
Mission: Charitable and Educational
Our mission is to preserve and promote the works and legacy of the Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley, affectionately known as "Miss Lou," Jamaica's cultural icon. Through educational and entertaining programs, we aim to enrich and advance Jamaica's cultural landscape.
Board of Directors
President Dr. Susan Davis
Founder & Past President Norma E. Darby
Immediate Past President Colin B. Smith
Vice President Valrie Simpson
Secretary Marcia C. Ward
Treasurer Dona-Lee Raymond
Directors Maxine Plummer
Sheena Sewell
Faith Simpson-Reivers
Malachi Smith
Faith Simpson-Reivers
Advisory Board Audrey Anderson
Christine Craig
Kenneth Damally
Sandra Harley
Charmaine Ruddock
Cheryl Wynter
Executive Assistant Junette Stevens
For more information on the work of the Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council, contact us at: louisebennettheritage@gmail.com